WCOB 12 + 14 Upfit
Accepting Bids
Prebid Date | 2/20/25 9:30am |
Bid Date | 3/13/25 3:00pm |
Sealed proposals will be received by Wake County Procurement Services, in Suite 2900, Wake County Justice Center, 301 McDowell Street, Raleigh, NC 27601, up to 3:00 p.m., Thursday March 13, 2025, and immediately thereafter publicly opened and read for providing labor, material and equipment entering into the 12th & 14th Floors Upfit located in the Wake County Office Building in Raleigh, NC.
A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on February 20, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. via Microsoft Teams. Due to inclement weather, the Pre-Bid Conference will be held fully virtually. The link to join the meeting is https://msteams.link/UT2Q. The meeting may also be joined by visiting https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft- teams/join-a-meeting and entering Meeting ID 229 439 764 145 and Passcode 2uy6U9PL. Site visits may be scheduled for a later date.
Notice of Public Meeting for Proposed Alternate Bids for Preferred Products.
An open public meeting will be held on February 20, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. following the Pre-Bid. The meeting is to identify preferred brand alternates and their performance standards pertinent to this project. In accordance with GS133-3, Section 64. (C) the following preferred brand items are being considered as an Alternate by the owner for this project:
· Preferred Alternate 1: Mechanical Locksets – Provide Schlage L9000 series mortise locksets to match the existing building locksets.
· Preferred Alternate 2: Electromechanical Locksets – Provide Schlage L9000 series mortise locksets to match the existing building locksets.
· Preferred Alternate 3: Electromechanical Exit Devices – Provide Sargent 80 series exit devices to match the existing building devices.
· Preferred Alternate 4: Cylinders – Provide Corbin Russwin to match the existing building devices.
An electronic copy of the contract documents (PDF) may be obtained from Accent Imaging free of charge beginning Wednesday February 12, 2025. Printed copies of the plans and specifications may be purchased from Accent Imaging online or at (919)782-3332. Plans may be accessed for viewing and download at http://www.planscope.com/. Questions or substitution requests should be directed to Tara Reed, at tara@esse-architects.com.